Walls No Sky

Falling is a funny thing

Your stomach rises

You lose your breath

Your life leaves

I remember falling

I don’t remember hitting the ground

I just remember waking up in a room

I was staring at the sky

Bright sun

No clouds

As I sit up the walls come down

I don’t know where I am

Or why I am here

I hear a whisper

No one is around

I run

Into the endless

Walls going up

Walls going down

A maze

A clear sky

No end until

The end

My feet hitting the ground as I run

Never look back

Moving around the walls

To never get trapped

I see the edge

Before I could leap

A wall goes up

A whisper

A tear falls

I close my eyes

I turn around

I open my eyes

When it rains they come

I live in the desert

It never rains

Cacti and vultures

My grandpa use to tell me stories

Mainly about rain

He says no rain is good

But what about the plants and animals

He just smiled

Lately grandpa has been worried

The forecast cause for the first rain in 40 years

I hear noise

I look outside to see my neighbors in a panic

Grandpa grabs my arms and drag to the basement

I grab my cat Luna Eclipse

He pulls back a heavy door from the ground

We climbed down 

The stairs felt like the went for miles

We came to a huge door

He opened it with a key

Inside it looked like an apartment

I looked wide eyed at my grandpa

He kissed my forehead

Pointed to a room

I went in to the room to the right

There was a bed, chair, and desk

I put my cat on the bed 

I sat down hear my grandpa scramble to lock all the doors

Then silent……..

I fell asleep

Woke up to an earthquake

Our state didn’t have earthquakes

I held on to my cat

I started to cry

My grandpa came in 







My mouth opened to agree

No words came out

The quake lasted what seemed like days

Grandpa woke me up

I grabbed Luna

We walked back all the stairs

Into the basement

Back to the living……..

Our home was destroyed

My neighborhood gone

I looked at my grandpa who was so calm

We will rebuild…….

I was five when that happened

I’m going to be 45 this month

I turn on the tv and the forecast cause for rain

I looked at my husband who nods

We faced our kids as we prepare them for rain


So I got a message today or letter well whatever you want to call it….

Dear Disturbing Stories,

Do you believe in ghost? I think my house is haunted. Things get moved around and nothing is where I left it. Should I be worried? What should I do?

From ActionShero

Well hello there and thanks for the message. Yes! I believe in spirits and the paranormal. I have experienced it my whole life from the age of 4.

So things are moving around well don’t worry they can sense that. Has anyone died recently you were close to? It could be them just trying be close to you. From what you are telling me it doesn’t seem evil or bad just there.

What to do? When you are ready and not about to jump out your skin. No joke like a mini heart attack. Just ask it what it wants and who it is. Now, I know that seems terrifying but its not. The best way to know is to ask as my mother always says to me.

I hope this helps. Don’t do anything extreme no boards trying to contact it. Bad idea!

-Disturbing Stories (Psycho Love)


So I got a message today or letter well whatever you want to call it….

Dear Disturbing Stories,

Do you believe in ghost? I think my house is haunted. Things get moved around and nothing is where I left it. Should I be worried? What should I do?

From ActionShero

Well hello there and thanks for the message. Yes! I believe in spirits and the paranormal. I have experienced it my whole life from the age of 4.

So things are moving around well don’t worry they can sense that. Has anyone died recently you were close to? It could be them just trying be close to you. From what you are telling me it doesn’t seem evil or bad just there.

What to do? When you are ready and not about to jump out your skin. No joke like a mini heart attack. Just ask it what it wants and who it is. Now, I know that seems terrifying but its not. The best way to know is to ask as my mother always says to me.

I hope this helps. Don’t do anything extreme no boards trying to contact it. Bad idea!

-Disturbing Stories (Psycho Love)